St. Mary’s Gardens

St. Mary’s Gardens was an award winning project for 100 low income seniors in the early 1980’s. The building has clean, modern lines and it []

About the project

St. Mary’s Gardens was an award winning project for 100 low income seniors in the early 1980’s. The building has clean, modern lines and it is placed in a beautiful garden setting in West Oakland. The exterior siding was a plywood product that had greatly deteriorated over the years. The main scope involved the removal and replacement of all siding, windows and roofing. Fiber cement board paneling to match the original ply wood was chosen as a more durable replacement material. A cool roof replaced the original one. The garden area improvements include replacement of irrigation and planting with water conserving alternatives. All work was completed while the seniors continued to occupy the building.

  • Client
    Christian Church Homes
  • Architect
    HKIT Architects